Guest Interview with Author Ciara Gold…

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Today I’m incredibly excited to be interviewing Ciara Gold Author of many books including Once Jilted, On The Silver Edge Of Time, Keeper Of Moon Haven, and her latest release available in November, The Rose Hunter. 

Thank you, Katie for hosting me here today. I enjoyed the questions and the opportunity to share a little bit about me with you and your followers.

Welcome Ciara, please tell us a little about yourself and your upcoming book.

Just a little? Too fun. I grew up in the city but I always figured I was a misplaced soul because I could always picture myself on a ranch or farm. Now, I’m living that dream as we bought a small plot of land in the country and each day I get to commune with nature and all its wonderful critters.

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What inspired you to create The Rose Hunter?

I never know where the stories come from; they just come. Usually, I’ll just write a beginning chapter with no destination in sight. I don’t do much plotting until I’m already deep into the story. I wrote The Keeper of Moon Haven and realized I’d created an opportunity for a series of books with the same basic concept; a blue moon occurs once every nineteen years or so in October. Sometimes the gap is longer but at any rate, the idea was that a doorway to a magical realm would open between two full moons in October. Once I’d written The Keeper of Moon Haven, it seemed only natural to write another book for the next blue moon. That and I thought how fun it would be to pair Lyerra with Lucian, both secondary characters from The Keeper.

What is your writing routine?

When I was writing prolifically, I would write late at night. At the time I started writing, I had young children at home so I’d come home from work, spend family time with them, fix supper, then put them to bed around 8:00 or 9:00. Once they were asleep, I would bathe and then start writing. I called it my jammy time. Time to “jam” as many ideas as I could into a cohesive manuscript while relaxing in my jammies (pajamas) and of course, all while jamming to inspiring tunes. Now, I’m not as disciplined. I still write best late at night but with my hectic work schedule, it’s harder to write every day. To be on top of one’s game, a writer should write every day, and I’m working daily to try and recapture that work mode.

Did you have a favourite place you like to write, while you were creating your novel?

Depends on the novel. Most of my work was done at my computer in my writer’s cave. My hubby heart of mine created a wonderful nook in our bedroom. Once the kids were grown and gone, we converted one of their bedrooms into an office. Now – I have a “she-shed”. Love that term. My “she-shed” is a small cabin on ten acres of property. Half is a small kitchenette and the other half is my office.

While I do most of my actual writing in my she-shed or cave, most of my planning is done during odd moments. I love napping in the car on long road trips. I carry a spiral with me and I day-dream ideas for my current WIP (work in progress). One of my novels was drafted while I had to wait for my daughter. She took skeet lessons out in the country so I couldn’t just drop her off. She was thirteen at the time, but it gave me lots of time to daydream the next scene.

Describe what your Muse looks like to you in three words.

Kinky haired sprite.  🙂

What part of writing your novel did you most enjoy? E.g. First draft, research, editing…

The first draft is always exciting because it’s the bare bones of the novel but I also don’t mind editing. This allows me to expand on scenery, character development, dialogue, etc. Research is fun but for me, it slows the process. I tend to get bogged down in little details like how the Vikings brushed their teeth.  In other words, I love doing it but it makes me frustrated when I can’t find the answers I want.

If you could be one of your characters, which one would you be and why?

I would be Eliza from Eliza’s Copper Penny. I think in some ways she’s most like me. I actually fashioned her after my grandmother who taught school in a one-room building in 1926.

Are you a planner or discovery writer?

Oh, most definitely a discovery writer or pantser as we’re fondly referred to. Yep, writing by the seat of my pants is the only way to go. It’s no fun to write if I already know how it ends.

Which character did you like writing about the most? Why?

The best answer here is the character I’m currently involved with. But if I had to choose a character who was already written, I’d have to say Torin from On Timeless Wings of Gold. Of all my characters, he still haunts me. I catch myself thinking of him at odd times and wondering if he totally adjusted to living in the future. He was one of my more challenging heroes.

What’s your favourite subject to write about? Why?

Hmm. There are so many sub-genres I enjoy writing, that it’s hard to nail it down, but I can tell you that my least favourite subject or genre is romantic suspense. I feel like the suspense often overshadows the romance and I’m a romance writer at heart.

Who are your favourite Authors?

I hated to read when I was in school but Kathleen Woodiwiss’ Shanna turned me into a romance junkie. I also enjoy Cheryl St. John, Jude Devereux’s older work, Loraine Heath, Susan Elizabeth Phillips and numerous others. My favourite genre to read is historical western romances.

What was the best advice you’ve ever had while writing your novels?

To persevere. This business isn’t for the faint of heart. The other piece of advice was to always continue to hone your craft.

What projects are you working on next?

Write now I have three in the works. I’m working on two historical westerns and I actually started another sequel to The Keeper of Moon Haven, but I imagine that one will take me forever to write as well.

Do you have any advice for fellow writers who maybe undertaking creating their first novel at this very moment?

The best thing that ever happened to me early in my career was joining a critique group. I could tell a story but I knew nothing about the mechanics of making that story come alive. From concept to finished novel, the process is long. Find a great critique group and learn patience. When I think I’m done with a book, I’ll let it sit and  percolate for about 3 months. Then I reread it again and edit some more before ever sending it off for consideration.

Thank-you  Ciara for taking time to do this blog interview, it has been a real pleasure to hear about your novel, The Rose Hunter that is being released in November. I, for one, am really excited to read it. I wish you well with your novel and all other writing projects you may undertake in the future.

If you would like to read more about Ciara Gold and her captivating novels, check  out the links below. 








18 thoughts on “Guest Interview with Author Ciara Gold…

  1. Great interview questions, Katie. I enjoyed learning about Ciara’s work and writing process. As a beginning novelist I too have found that perseverance and patience is a very important (but difficult!) part of the writing process. As is giving yourself the time and space to experience your story and its many revisions. I’ve yet to read any of Ciara’s books, but look forward to doing so in future. Thank you!

    • Hi Kendra,

      Thank you Hun, I’m glad you enjoyed learning about Ciara’s work and writing process. I did too. I agree perseverance and patience is important but hard as well. I highly recommend reading her books they are very gripping and additive so I’ve found, I can/ have lost hour in her books adventures. 🙂

      I hope you’re having a wonderful Wednesday.

      Take care.


      • Hi Ciara.

        Thank you for coming onto my blog and answering all my questions. It has been amazing and a real pleasure. I can’t wait to read your next novel. And I would love to have you back in the future.:)

        I hope you have a fantastic week.

        Take care.


    • I replied in a separate post before realizing I should just reply. 🙂 But thank you so much. Glad you enjoyed the interview. Best of luck with your own writing endeavors.

    • Hi Ciara.

      It has been my pleasure, thank you for being a guest on my blog. And sharing about your writing process and your up-coming novel, which I’m way too excited to read once it’s released.

      I hope you’re having a fantastic Wednesday. 🙂

      Take care.

  2. Wonderful interview – really insightful. I can definitely relate to the ‘writer’s cave’. Everyone has a favourite space where they can concentrate. 🙂

    • Vitt, thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed it. I love my writer’s cave and I’m really starting to write again. I’m out in the country and it’s so peaceful. No traffic noises, some dogs but they don’t bark all the time and of course, the occasional gun shots but all in all, a great place to write.

  3. Fantastic interview katie , very professionally undertaken but very pleasurable to read , I really enjoyed reading all about Ciara’s books and the ones to come and was quite enthralled with the whole interview , really well done Katie and of course a big Thankyou to Ciara for allowing us into her books and having fun at the same time 🙂

    • Hi Donna.

      I’m glad you enjoyed reading Ciara interview as much as I did. And had a fun time reading her answers. I too enjoyed Ciara insight into her books and writing. 🙂

      I hope you have a fantastic week..

      Take care.


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